
We have worked with leading studios and talented independent filmmakers to create stunning animated films. Our work is regularly recognized not only at prestigious film festivals, but also by audiences around the world. We are also very happy to embark on co-production projects. Take a look at what we are working on right now.

The Precious Gift

Following her parents’ separation, a little girl learns how to tame her fears by opening herself to the world and to others. A fantasy journey through her emotions teaches her to rely on herself and on friendship. And make peace with the new family situation.

The Precious Gift  → 


Salvation Has No Name

A troupe of clowns gather to perform a story about a Priest and a refugee but as their misguided tale unfolds, the boundaries between fiction and reality begin to fray.

Salvation Has No Name  → 


The Goose

A boy fantasizes about becomig a famous footballer, playing in big stadiums. But first, he has to win a match on his small backyard against a goose.

The Goose  → 

The Goose / Husa

The Elements

Four Elements takes little Julia on many adventures in search of answers to thousands of childish questions.

The Elements  → 


Fritzi – A Revolutionary Tale

A children‘s feature length animated movie about a girl named Fritzi, who is searching for her friend Sophie in the autumn of 1989. Sophie had asked Fritzi to look after her dog Sputnik for the summer holidays but instead of coming back to school after the holidays, Sophie and her parents immigrated to West Germany and Fritzi doesn’t know how to return the dog to Sophie.

Fritzi – Revolutionary Tale  → 
